US$50 Million From Badea Is Not Free Money, Its A Loan.

Wilson Banda, Reserve Bank Governor has told the committee that there is need for the country to think of ways of generating forex saying if current situation is left unsolved, the country may collapse with no fuel and no medicines.

He has however, assured the committee that RBM is doing everything possible to ensure that forex is available, he said RBM would even go to heaven in search of forex.

But Macdonald Mafuta Mwale, Secretary to Treasury has said it is sad that the forex that RBM is managing is also from borrowing.

Mwale, says the US$50 million from Badea is not free money as it is also a loan. “So this has to be resolved, we have to think of what to do as a way forward on forex,”said Mwale.

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