We Have A Rotten Coupon Now-Kalindo

Kalindo–far left-after government’s flopped talks with CSO’s

Vocal political rights activist, Bon Kalindo says Malawians must now rise to safeguard their hard-won democracy; stressing this country is now rotten with the ‘rotten unfolding events’.

Under the banner, Concerned Citizens, Kalindo and other rights activists have a media briefing on Tuesday in Blantyre with a screaming title: Malawians Say No to a Rotten Government.

Kalindo, who also leads Concerned Citizens Timely Voice-CCTV, has on several occasions taken a swipe at President Lazarus Chakwera and his vice, Dr. Saulos Chilima for allegedly taking Malawians for granted through what he calls poor leadership he believes has left most Malawians miserable.

Argues Kalindo: ” It is necessary for us to voice out again and again since it is also a way of safeguarding the country’s democracy. We need as Malawians to guard jealously our democracy,” says Kalindo.

He describes the Tonse Alliance led administration as arrogant and vows to continue holding it accountable.

However, Information Minister, Gospel Kazako and Unity Minister, Timothy Mtambo have repeatedly appealed to the country’s Civil Society Organizations to engage government if they have any burning issues of national interest before storming the streets, among others.

President Lazarus Chakwera has just appointed a 16-member Presidential Private Sector Council to spearhead Malawi’s Transformation Agenda and Economic Transformation amid growing concerns that he is presiding over a failed economy.

Still, his leadership faces widespread criticism for failing to launch a serious crackdown on corruption which has seen some of his trusted advisors and ministers implicated in multi-million kwacha corruption scandals.

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