We Say No To Ultimatum Before Engangement–Govt

The grouping makes impeachment threats against Chakwera

Government has stressed it will not be operating on ultimatums that various civil society groups are giving it to address certain critical issues of national interest before engaging it.

Its Chief Spokesperson, Gospel Kazako was reacting to a seven-day ultimatum that a grouping under the banner, Voice of the Voiceless has given President Lazarus Chakwera to address the high cost of living.

Leader of the grouping, Phunziro Mvula made the demand on Wednesday after holding peaceful protests in Lilongwe and threatened to move parliament to begin impeachment formalities if Chakwera fails to address the issue.

But Kazako, who is also Information Minister, finds the demand and arrangement wanting; arguing they were not consulted to hear the concerns in question.

“First they needed to engage us and hear our story, why certain things are happening in the manner they are happening. They have not heard anything from us, they have not engaged us but the first thing they do is to go on the road, I don’t think they mean well,” argues Kazako.

He adds they also not work on ultimatums; describing them as not progressive.

Some months ago, President Chakwera met some CSO leaders at the Kamuzu Palace who he said committed to be engaging his government on matters of national importance first before resorting to demonstrations.

Again, previously, Unity Minister Timothy Mtambo had also appealed to various civil rights groups to engage government before storming the streets; adding this did not mean authorities were in anyway trying to block or suppress people’s constitutional right to demonstrate.

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