Why British NCA hate Zuneth Sattar?

If we look back and ask the same question why the west hated
Muammar Gaddaffi ?
Saddam Hussein ?
Osama Bin Laden?
Why do western faked and fabricated false stories against these strong fallen departed leaders?

The British are not here to fight corruption they fighting for their interests, They want to fulfill their mission they failed during the previous regimes, the Britons are up to something they want in malawi,
Why britons wants to sacrifice Zuneth Sattar?
We can get these answers if the western comes and brief us what happens with
Muammar Gaddaff ?
Osama Bin Laden ?
Saddam Hussein’s ?

What do these britons wants in malawi?
Why do western wants to topple Tonse Alliance government led by President Dr Lazarus Chakwera and Vice Chilima?

Let me open our eyes by repeating the britons are not here for fighting corruption they are here for their interests,

God bless Dr Saulos Chilima
God bless Dr Lazarus Chakwera
God bless malawi

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