Prophet arrested for defiling and impregnating an embicile

By Esnath Kalawe

Police in Kasungu have recently arrested a 52 – year – old man, identified as Chindiyang’ana Chisale, for defiling a 18 – year – old embicile in the district.

According to information gathered from Kasungu Police Station Public Relations Officer Sub Inspector Joseph Kachikho, Chisales has been defiling the girl repeatedly from December 2021 to January 2022 at Chinkhoma trading center in kasungu.

“It is reported that the girl went to the prophet for prayers and the suspect took an advantage of the sickness of the girl and has been sleeping with her from December 2021 to January 2022”. Said Kachikho.

It is said that on March 17, 2022 the mother of the girl noticed some changes on her daughter and when the mother asked the girl revealed that she has been having sex with Chisale.

The mother made efforts by taking the victim to Bua health center for medical examination where they were first referred to Police.

Bua Police unit issued the victim with a medical report which indeed the medical examination revealed that she was defiled and is 8 weeks pregnant.

Chisale will appear before court to answer the charge of defiling an embicile which is contrary to section 139 of the penal code.

Chisale hails from Rabison Village, Traditional Authority Kanduku in Mwanza district.

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