Absence Of Community Grounds Is A Setback In Developing Sporting Activities

The absence of community grounds in some areas is being described as a setback in developing sporting activities in the country.

It has been observed that most communities are without such facilities as authorities are constructing other structures on land meant for the same.

During the launch of the Sport for All program in Thyolo at the weekend, a concern was raised for the government and other local leaders to consider community grounds with an aim of accommodating many into sports.

Sport for All Program is an initiative by the Malawi National Council of Sports-MNCS which was introduced with the aim of encouraging the citizenry to take part in sport and physical activities regardless of gender, ability or age.

Before it was launched at Thyolo Secondary School, the initiative was also launched in the central and southern region some weeks ago.

Thyolo district sports officer Olga Mlambe speaks in support of the program by the MNCS citing that it will not only help to develop sport but also address many health related challenges among people.

While admitting that there is need for the country to have more community grounds, Sunduzwayo Madise who is the council’s chairperson pledges to take up the matter to relevant stakeholder so as to have it addressed for good.

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