Burial Ceremony Of Late Ambassador of Malawi to Ethiopia Commission Charles Msosa

A memorial service for the late Ambassador of Malawi to Ethiopia and the African Union Commission Charles Msosa has been held at the International Evangelical Church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

During the sombre ceremony, a number of dignitaries paid tribute to the 63-year-old fallen ambassador who died on Monday at Nordic Medical Centre in Addis Ababa.

Among the dignitaries were Ugandan Ambassador to Ethiopia, the African
Union (AU) and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Rebecca
Amuge Otengo, Ambassador of Lesotho representing SADC ambassadors,
Malawi’s deputy Ambassador to Ethiopia Diana Jere, James Bwilani representing the Malawian community in Ethiopia and Dr Charles Mwansambo, principal secretary for health, representing the family.

The high ranking official from the Ethiopian Government was Ambassador Dina Mufti, spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The remains of the late ambassador are expected to arrive at Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe through Ethiopian Airlines tomorrow at noon.

The veteran diplomat has been in Ethiopia as ambassador for six months. Before his appointment he previously served as Malawi’s permanent representative to the United Nations in New York, United
States of America.

Before going to New York, he served as principal secretary responsible for administration in the Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC), in Ministry of Energy and Mines, in Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security and also in the Office of the Vice-President.

Born on June 3 1959, Msosa joined the civil service in 1983 as a management analyst/consultant involved in restructuring ministries and departments, among other duties.

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