MISA Malawi joins the rest of the world in commemorating 2022 World Press Freedom Day

As Media body, MISA Malawi joins the rest of the world in commemorating 2022 World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) President Lazarus Chakwera has invited Journalists to State House for a breakfast, as one way of celebrating with them.

Speaking during the Breakfast meeting, Sean Kampondeni President Chakwera’s Executive assistant says for the first time the President of the republic of Malawi is celebrating with the media on this day.

He has commended the President for making a conducive environment for journalists to work. According to Kampondeni, Chakwera has always advocated for media freedom through making public reports of expenditure such as that of the SADC Summit and recently holding a press briefing to inform Malawians through the media on what transpired during his visit to Mozambique.

On her part, Teresa Ndanga, Chairperson of MISA Malawi has commended Chakwera for operationalizing the Access to Information law, appointing professionals in his media team and creating a platform where the media gets information.

She has cited, Government faces the Press, State House Briefs and others as examples.

However, Ndanga has condemned some other individuals in Chakwera’s government that continue to attack the media in their line of duty and government institutions that threaten the media and sometimes arrest them for simply doing their job.

Ndanga has asked Chakwera to make sure attacks on the media are stopped.
She says, Media censorship is an infringement on media freedom and any attacks on the media should be criminalized.

Chakwera has since made a donation of 1 million kwacha towards the Press freedom celebration.

The world is this year celebrating the day under the theme ‘Journalism under Digital Siege’.

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