Something evil is going on between the United States and the World Health Organization

New York United states

The WHO is working on a Global Pandemic Treaty that would limit the sovereignty of states throughout the globe in the interests of consolidating power in the hands of global elitists.

“The World Health Organization has begun drafting a global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness that would grant it absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, standardized medical care, and more,” writes Dr. Mercola.

The United States of America is a sovereign country. Sovereignty is a straightforward concept: the United States is an independent country controlled by the American people, with complete sovereignty over its own affairs.

The American people established the government and approved the Constitution.

They choose their own legislators and write their own laws.

The Founding Fathers recognized that if America lacks sovereignty, it lacks independence. “We have Independence yet to pursue, and have struggled till for very little,” George Washington once wrote to Alexander Hamilton, if a foreign force can tell America “what we will do, and what we shall not do.”

The Founders believed in the concept of sovereignty. They battled for it in 1776. But why is sovereignty still important in America?

The WHO Pandemic Treaty:

Essentially, the “treaty” grants the WHO exclusive authority to impose sanctions on nations for whatever “health” reasons the international agency deems appropriate.

This implies that whole countries may be subjected to Shanghai-style lockdowns or forced vaccinations.

So, is the Biden Administration on board with this? You bet, and they’re bringing the majority of the Western world with them. Of course, it makes sense given that the CCP owns the WHO and we all know for whom Biden works.

The Biden administration is laying the groundwork for the World Health Organization to gain complete control of America’s health-care system and national sovereignty (WHO).

The 75th World Health Assembly will convene in Geneva, Switzerland, on May 22-28, 2022, with delegates from 194 countries, to vote on the Biden administration’s proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations that will hand over national sovereignty and authority to the WHO, which carried the water bucket for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regarding the Wuhan lab during the COVID pandemic.

Without an official declaration or a single news conference, officials from the Biden administration surreptitiously transmitted major modifications to the WHO on January 18, 2022. These proposed revisions are meant to expand the organization’s authority to act unilaterally in the affairs of states suspected of having a “health emergency” of concern to other nations. If these revisions are accepted, the WHO would be able to declare a “international health emergency,” thereby negating the authority of nation states.

The United States’ changes remove a major current limitation from the regulations: “

WHO must communicate with and endeavor to get verification from the State Party whose territory the occurrence is purportedly happening…” This allows the Director-General to declare health crises at any time, which may be used to justify ostracism and economic or financial activities against the targeted country by other states affiliated with WHO or who desire to punish and control the accused nation.

The proposed modifications’ contents will not be made public until April 12, 2022.

The current WHO standards provide for an 18-month grace period during which a country may retract its “yes” vote on modifications.

The current proposed modifications, though, would limit that chance to six months.

If the revisions are approved, a majority of the countries may modify their individual votes and overturn the approval in the coming months.

The United Nations study “Covid-19: Make It the Last Pandemic,” issued in May 20…“`

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