Supreme court of appeal Dismiss An Application By Dr. Bakili Muluzi To discontinue trial

Martha Chizuma And Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda At The Court

The Supreme court of appeal has this morning dismissed an application by Dr. Bakili Muluzi to discontinue trial of his alleged K1.7 billion graft case which has span for about 14 years now.

Chief Justice Rezine Mzikamanda led Justices Lovemore Chikopa and Frank Kapanda who dismissed the appeal in its entirety with each party to bear own cost.

Muluzi’s legal team led by lawyers, Tamando Chokhotho and Jai Banda argued the constitutionality of Section 32 subsection 2 (c) suggesting it infringed on the rights of the accused which rests burden of proof to the accused.

Attorney General, Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda said was pleased with the ruling which sets precedence to other corruption cases involving un explained wealth accumulated by public officers.

Jai Banda of Muluzi’s legal team says, they are ready criminal trial in the high court.

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