Malawi To Adopt Use Of Solar Boiler Technology In Public Hospitals

Japanese NGO Colorbath has challenged Malawi to adopt the use of solar boiler technology in public hospitals and communities if the country is to withstand the scarcity of reliable energy sources.

Executive Director for Colorbath Yusuke Yoshikawa was speaking in Mzimba, when his organization in partnership with Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), donated and installed a solar boiler at Manyamula Health Centre and another one for the community.

Manyamula Health Centre Medical Assistant Grace Mpumulo says they used to buy bundles of firewood to conduct sterilization but this will now change.

“It will be easier for us to sterilize medical equipment and prevent spread of infections,” explained Mpumulo.

Another boiler has been installed at Zebediya village within Manyamula. One of the beneficiaries Esnart Nkosi says the machine is faster and clean.

One solar boiler costs about K600,000 and has life span of 10 years.

Colorbath is currently doing some research to see if Malawi has the capacity to produce the boilers locally to rescue more trees.

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