Mangochi man fined K 50 thousand for carrying a Toy gun at Demos

Mangochi Senior Resident Magistrate court on Wednesday June 22, 2022 sentenced James Hassan, 39 , and ordered him to pay K50,000 fine or face 9 months IHL for found in possession of a dangerous weapon during an assembly contrary to Section 107(1) of Police Act.

The court heard through prosecutor sergeant John Makawa that, on June 16, 2022 Human Rights Ambassadors organised a peaceful demonstration within Mangochi township.

Hassan joined the demonstrations at Mogasi Lodge carrying a wooden toy gun. Police officers immediately confiscated the toy gun and arrested Hassan, taking him to Police after the demonstrations were over.

Appearing in court, the accused person pleaded guilty to the charge.

In mitigation, the accused asked the court to be lenient, saying that he did not know that by doing so it is against the law but prosecutor Makawa reminded the court that ignorance is not a defence.

Passing judgement, Senior Resident Magistrate Rodrick Michongwe concurred with the state hence the K50,000 fine sentence or, in default, 9 months IHL to serve as a lesson to other would be offenders.

James Hassan hails from Mwanyama village, Traditional Authority Mponda in Mangochi.

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