High Court Orders Nankhumwa To Join MPs Case In Lilongwe

Blantyre High Court Judge, Justice Mandala Mambulasa has ordered that the case in which the Leader of Opposition, Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa had filed at the Blantyre High Court be transfered to Lilongwe and get consolidated with Civil Cause number 192 of 2022, in which 22 DPP MPs filed against Dr. George Chaponda and the Democratic Progressive Party, first and second defendants respectively.

Making his determination at the Blantyre High Court on Nankhumwa’s application , Justice Mambulasa said, the claimant was already reinstated by order of an injunction in a CIVIL CAUSE number 192 of 2022 at Lilongwe District registry by Judge K. Nyirenda of 28th June 2022, with the notice of hearing on the same.

This therefore mean, Dr. Nankhumwa’ case file will be transferred to Lilongwe High Court, consolidated with the MPs case and will be disposed off by Judge K. Nyirenda.

Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa filed for a case against the Democratic Progressive Party and Dr George Chaponda at Blantyre High Court and its file number is Cc 41/2022.

Hearing is set to commence on 7th July 2022.

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