Kasoz Donates To Learners In Chimwala Zone

By Prince Chimwala

Business man Hamid Kasoz on Monday donated pens and rulers to some learners in Chimwala Zone. Kasoz donated to Standard eight learners who will be sitting for their Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education in eight primary schools.

Speaking during the function, Kasoz said he donated to the learners not because he has more but to encourage the learners to work hard. “I want to encourage you all not to fear exams but rather face them. Remember what your teachers have been teaching you all along. It’s my prayer that you all pass the exams to National Secondary Schools so that Chimwala should be an area of educated people. Top two learners (boy and girl) who will make it to National Secondary School will be under my sponsorship. As for teachers, every grade A attained by a learner, that A will be bought at five thousand kwacha.

He then asked other members of the community to support the education sector. In her speech, Primary Education Advisor for the Zone Nancy Ndazamo thanked Kasoz for being an exceptional citizen who thinks beyond his personal needs. She said the donation is a morale booster to the children as they will be sitting for their exams.

She challenged the learners to work hard. She also urged teachers to continue offering quality education to the learners. The schools which benefitted from Kasoz donation were Mpale, Kasolo, Changali, Kausi, Nasite, Chiwaula and Changamire.

Kasoz is an alumni of Nasite and Chiwaula and currently is the director of Kasoz Heritage Foundation in Mangochi. He was accompanied by Yahya Issa and Issa Chimwala

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