Sherrif Impound Furniture And Office Items From Mzuzu Standard bank

Sherrifs in Mzuzu have impounded furniture and other office items from Mzuzu Standard bank branch due to the banks failure to honour a court order to 24.9 million Kwacha to Cassidy Chalimba as ordered by the commercial division of the high court.

Lawyer for the claimant George Kadzipatike has confirmed that the bank was supposed to pay his client the said amount by 12th of July as per courts judgement.

A court document that Zodiak has seen, shows that the claimant dragged the bank to court after noticing that it had sold at an overprice (about 50 million Kwacha)a house that the bank recovered from him for failing to settle a loan at an agreed time, other than the amount he deafulated to honor for his loan of about 24 million Kwacha.

Other items that the sherrifs have impounded in full view oft the banks customers and onlookers include office chairs and desks, computers, scanners, photocopiers.

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