Jumah claims politicians have left Malawi poor

Former President and DPP leader, Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika broken systems blanketed his government

Commander in Chief of Muvi wa Chilungamo pressure group Bantu Saunders Jumah, says history will be made in 2025 where the wise and educated will become weaker, the Lord will call the ignorant to rule the country with care and compassion.
Jumah said Malawi has had leaders based on their educational qualifications, financial capabilities and not based on the heart saying this is the reason politicians have been labeling the country poor while them are richer in a poor country.
He said for 62 years, Malawi has had Doctors and Professors ruling it but have left 21 million plus people in abstract poverty bringing the country to a shame that countries which became independent after Malawi such as Burundi and Rwanda are more developed while Malawi is still there.
Speaking through his face book page, Jumah said in 2025, Malawians will see prophecy come to pass, the genesis of revolution and revelations of citizens who have plundered the country’s public resources to make themselves billionaires leaving the country, poor.
Jumah alleges that Capital Hill has been ordered to release another K101.1 million in addition to K600 million taxpayers money which President Chakwera has used to hire a plane to USA because commodities there are very expensive.
He said President Chakwera has reached at a point that no one will listen to him in Malawi and outside for lying to Malawians that he will fix the broken systems left by the previous regime while himself and his government is part of the broken systems.
The Commander in Chief said it was shame that President Chakwera went to USA with a bowl to beg money for Malawi’s development projects while left the country through a chartered plane charged at US $20,000 for a trip of 22 days.
…..’’He was given 10 minutes to address empty chairs in the UNGA which only see countries which went to beg such as Kenya and Uganda delegates listening to him, this explains that he was addressing beggars,’’……said Jumah.
He said Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema had an audience with USA President Joe Bidden, Malawi is nothing to the outside world besides telling the world that this is the time for countries to be treated equal.
Jumah said African Presidents and their delegations were sleeping in expensive five-star hotels, yet their countries are poor and beggars saying the Europeans are not stupid, they use the media to get the truth that African leaders are liars.
He asked President Chakwera and his Vice, Dr. Saulosi Klaus Chilima to conduct an independent opinion survey in Kasiya and Msipe saying there people are in pain and angry, they won’t listen to them anymore as they have been proved, liars.
Jumah then, lamented that Malawi owes the world over K6.8 trillion, K3.2 trillion inherited from the DPP led government asking the Tonse Alliance government where to get the money to pay these debts expressing fears that the 2025 government will inherit over 10 trillion debts meaning that the 7th Republic will find Malawi a junk nation.

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