Bright Msaka To Donate The Modern Diplomat Book To Parliament

DPP Vice President East and member of parliament for Machinga Likwenu says he will print 193 copies of ‘The Modern Diplomat’, a book he authored, to the national assembly.

This follows a recommendation member of parliament for Zomba Chisi Hon. Mark Botomani made on Wednesday in the August House.

Hon. Botomani was commenting on deployment of diplomats to serve in foreign missions where he urged the government to make sure it hires competent career diplomats who understand international norms.

Coinciding with Botomani, MCP MP for Dedza South Hon. Ishmail Onani asked Hon. Msaka to distribute copies of the book so that the government side should appreciate its contents.

The book focuses on how one is supposed to carry their duties when deployed to serve in the foreign service.

Hon. Msaka served as Malawi’s Commissioner overseas for nine years before returning home to head the civil service.

He authored the book while serving as the Chief Secretary during late Bingu wa Mutharika’s tenure.

The senior counsel is a hot contender for opposition DPP’s top leadership.

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