Attorney General To Address Malawians In Diaspora

The Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda will on Saturday evening have an online interaction with Malawians in the diaspora.

The virtual interface will be using Zoom Online Platform and is scheduled for 7 pm local time.

Chairperson of the organising committee, Chalo Mvula, said ” The Attorney General will speak to all Malawians in the diaspora to give them up-to-date information on the work of his office.

“There have been a lot of issues that his office has dealt with. These are commonly misreported and this will be an opportunity for the diaspora to get first-hand information,” Mvula said.

Mvula went on to say in as much as the event is for the diaspora, people in Malawi are free to join the discussion.

Among other accomplishments, the AG has managed to assist the government in winning some crucial court cases and reversing some illogical legal issues. Also, notably, the AG and his team have returned to the people of Malawi public bus depots which were previously owned by some private bus company.

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