Citizens For Impunity, Mbele Warns ACB To Stop Pursuing Case Against Chilima

Citizens Against Impunity and Corruption (CAIC), a quasi-political outfit launched by outspoken UTM member Joshua Chisa Mbele and yet another outspoken MCP-affiliated lawyer, Silvester Ayuba James, has made a surprise U-turn against its founding agenda and adopt a mission of safeguarding impunity around the State Vice President, Saulosi Chilima.

Chilima, who is a UTM founding president and ongoing leader appears to occupy a sacred position in Mbele’s heart who, in all circumstances, stand to defend, protect and promote political and personal interests of Chilima.

Writing on his Facebook wall, Mbele has grabbed CAIC into his armpits while remarking that “Citizens Against Impunity and Corruption will not allow ACB (the Anti-Corruption Bureau) to bring charges to the Vice President after November this year”, saying 2023 will be an active campaign period.

Without the ACB producing any statement of having brought criminal charges against the Vice President, Mbele accused ACB of being used as a tool for political persecution.

CIAC co-founder, Sylvester Ayuba James, who is a lawyer by profession has conveniently distanced himself from any input on the announcement by Mbele.

The ACB is on record to have been pursuing investigations relating to criminal accusations against the Vice President

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