Five Nabbed For Killing A Child With Albinism


Malawi Police Service (MPS) officers have arrested five more suspects and recovered part of the arm of a child with albinism that was cut off when she was gruesomely murdered during the night of November 30, 2022, in the district.

Speaking in Kasungu when she met the officers who apprehended the suspects, Inspector General of Police, Merylin Yolamu, said she is happy that her officers have done a great job in apprehending the suspects. She then called for collective efforts in dealing with the vice.

She said it is worrisome to note that some of those arrested are related to the deceased.

“It is a sad day to me as the life of an innocent young girl was lost because of some ill-minded people,” Yolamu said.

Police Public Relations Officer, Peter Kalaya, said among the four, who have since confessed to having committed the crime, are a stepfather to the deceased and a village headman.

The suspects are Mosten Mumba (step-father), Charles Chipeta (village head), Kennedy Zimba, Elton Sambo, and Jeremiah Nkhoma.

The arrest brings the total number of those apprehended in the case to eight as police detectives also arrested three, including the deceased’s grandmother on November 1, 2022.

Kalaya said all the suspects are expected to appear in court soon where they will answer murder charges.

Meanwhile, MPS assures Malawians that it is committed to protecting persons with albinism in the country and will arrest anyone perpetrating the vice.

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