Negative corruption reporting tarnishes Malawi image

Corruption reported from front page to back page

Dowa District Council’s Director of Administration Thomas Mwafongo, has advised Malawians to be patriotic to their country claiming that negative reporting on corruption issues will take Malawi to nowhere.
Corruption and bribery stories are hitting headlines in the newspapers, radios and magazines while in social media platforms, they become subject of discussions as everyone exercise his or her right accusing individuals of doing the act.
The way Malawians report stories about corruption in social media platforms, they get excited and this attract many readers to follow such reporting to the extent of involving all that corruption has blanketed the whole country from the President down to the common person.
Speaking during a District executive committee ]Dec] meeting held at the Dowa boma, Mwafongo observed that there is sensational reporting of corruption stories in various social media platforms saying this type of writing is tarnishing the good image of the Government of Malawi for it not to be the Warm Heart of Africa as used to be for years.
Mwafongo said there are some good things happening in the country advising those who are good at writing news stories to go for positive stories so that the image of Malawi to the outside world is promoted rather than always painting bad pictures of their country.
He advised Malawians particularly those blessed with the knowledge of cooking up stories for public interest to change their mindset from negative reporting on corruption issues to positive reporting saying this can attract investors to come to Malawi.
The Officer said Malawians living in Canada, USA, Germany, England and China are trusted and reliable human resource in different skills, others are heading big companies and institutions but at home, they demoralize themselves describing this as a sad development.
He said negative reporting on corruption issues has resulted to all Malawians being painted corrupt and thieves on their faces by the outside world advising Malawians not to discredit themselves and their country with negative stories of their country claiming that there is no better country apart from Malawi.
…..’’In other countries, there are corrupt people and thieves who use sophisticated technologies of robbing people, you cannot find high publicity of such people, let’s change our mindset to be reporting good stories away from corruption,’’….said Mwafongo.

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