Silver Strikers Part Ways With Its Ceo Chimbali

Silver Strikers Football Club says it has resolved not to renew the contract of its Chief Executive Officer ,Thokozani Chimbali which is expering on 31st March this year.

This comes barely two days after some angry team supporters sealed the club’s offices in Lilongwe demanding the resignation of Chimbali accusing him of making decisions without due consultations

In a statement, the club says its marketing manager, Faith Mzungu will be acting on Chimbali’s position as the latter has proceeded on leave pending expiry of his contract.

But writing on his Facebook page, Chimbali gives an impression he personally asked the Central Bankers board not to renew his contract.

“Silver Strikers is my home but when your life is at stake, consider your family first. My contract ends on 30th March 2023 with the company and I have asked the board not to renew it. Meanwhile I have decided to take leave till the end of my contract. Don’t take death threats lightly,” says Chimbali.

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