Chizuma Has Failed To Finish a Single Case


snap survey indicates that malawians wants Chizuma to leave ACB office because she has failed miserably to deliver,

Inspector General Dr George Kainja was fired and he is on court bail , Statehouse Chief of Staff Prince Kapondamgaga was suspended , Presidential Advisor Pastor Chriss Banda was Fired , Enock Chihana and Newton Kambala were arrested and now on court bail.

Vice President Dr Saulos Chilima was arrested and now on court bail.

ACB office is too big for Chizuma

Chizuma has failed to finish a single case and is likely going to not conclude even a single case . Honest , the office of the Director General is too big for her.

She has failed to deliver. At the end , all these people who are arrested because of Chizuma will demand money from the State in years in to come.

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