Jumah accuses Chimwendo of insulting Malawians

Commander in Chief of Muvi wa Chilungamo Revolutionary Party [MRP] Bantu Saunders Jumah, has accused Minister Richard Chimwendo Banda of insulting Malawians through his remarks made in Nkhatabay district on 3rd March, 2023 Martyrs Day Commemorations.

During the function, Chimwendo Banda asked Malawians not to complain as if they were eating sausages during the DPP led government of Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika meaning that Malawians are better off today than they were yesterday
Jumah said if Malawi was led by a President of the people, Chimwendo Banda deserve to be fired for those careless remarks but will be promoted as Tonse Alliance government is working hand in hand with crooks and mafias in leading Malawians.
Speaking through his face book page widely read by millions of followers across the continent, Jumah said all Malawian eyes are waiting to hear what President Chakwera will say on those careless remarks at the time he will be arriving back home from Doha-Qatar.
Jumah said Malawians are sick and tired of replacing thieves and criminals in government with other thieves claiming that Chimwendo Banda is used to give handouts of K2000s and ferrying people in trucks to attend party functions for people to praise him as a bulldozer in the party.

He has reminded Chimwendo that in 1993 the MCP was dishing out almost everything to the voters but Bakili Muluzi and Chakufwa Thom Chihana went around the country meeting people that they should do the needful, ‘’NO to the Black Cock and the MCP’’.
….’’Malawi is not a cursed country or witched, the leaders are the ones cursed, Malawi needs leaders who have a human heart not these hyenas or jackals destroying the country at the watch of leaders,’’….said Jumah.
Jumah has appealed to the Malawi Electoral Commission [Mec] to release an electoral calendar of 2024 observing that it is obvious that MCP, DPP, PP and UTM MPs will not support this calendar, saying they want elections to be held in 2025 to clock six years in office.
He also observed that the 50 plus 1 majority is nowhere in the Republican Constitution, assuring Mec that Malawians will not allow nonsense as they don’t allow anyone to rape their Constitution, elections must be held in May, 2024 and No to 50 plus 1 if not, they are ready to go to the bush.

The Commander in Chief has appealed to all Malawians in defence of the Constitution to set up an account for all to donate money in Kwachas to face the crooks head on in court assuring all that he is ready to sue government as an individual and a citizen of Malawi so that Malawians and the next generation to come see chan

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