Zameer Karim Bankruptcy Hearing Adjourned

The High Court of Malawi Commercial Division in Lilongwe yesterday failed to commence hearing of a creditor’s petition for bankruptcy involving businessperson Zameer Karim.

Karim risks bankruptcy proceedings over a K5 billion claim in connection with the Malawi Police Service food rations deal, according to a notice filed by Attorney General (AG) Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda.

On February 3 2023, the court also adjourned the matter to yesterday after Karim’s lawyers indicated that they wanted to have their licences renewed.

Yesterday, the court adjourned the matter to a date to be communicated.

In an interview after the court appearance yesterday, the AG indicated that the court said the adjournment is the final one and that it will not entertain another delay in future.

Kareem during a previous court appearance
Said Nyirenda: “The court has adjourned the hearing to a date to be communicated because Karim is not feeling well, but the presiding judge stressed that this is the last adjournment the court is making, and that the court will proceed with the hearing if another adjournment is sought.”

Nuru Alide, lawyer representing Karim, was not available for comment on yesterday’s proceedings.

But in a notice for bankruptcy, the AG warned the businessperson, who trades as Pioneer Investment, that he would proceed to file for bankruptcy proceedings should Karim fail to settle the claim or show interest to file a counterclaim.

Karim alongside senior police officers, including one who died while the matter was in court, are accused of allegedly scheming to defraud Malawi Police Service about K7 billion through  the contract.

He is also being accused in another case of forging police documents to obtain a K150 million loan from Ecobank Malawi.

In the notice, the AG advises Karim that within seven days after service of the notice, he should pay K2.3 billion as indemnity claimed by his office and police.

The notice was filed on March 11 2022 before Judge Annabel Mtalimanja of the High Court of Malawi Commercial Division in Lilongwe.

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