Refugees Forcely Relocating To Dzaleka

All Refugees are forcely relocating to Dzaleka Refugees camp starting today – Ministry of Homeland says

A spot checks in some parts of Malawi’s capital Lilongwe reveals that most shops owned by Burundian are closed following the elapse of the ultimatum period issued.

The government announced earlier last months that it will starts relocation of refugees back to Malawi’s oldest camp Dzaleka.

Our reporter Timothy Kachedwa who is on the ground says among other areas where most of shop are closed includes area 25 ,49 and 36, and commenting on the matter, Patrick Botha Public Officer for the ministry of Homeland Security has confirmed that the operation to relocate refugees has started.

Meanwhile speaking to this publication one of concerned citizen Edward kambanje says the decision by government to relocate these people is unmatured,citing proper consultations were supped to be made.

Kambanje says relocating these people will make the country to appreciate the worst ever poverty.

He says Dzaleka currently is already over populated and therefore the relocation will make the matter worst.

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