CDEDI conducts vigil at capital hill in Lilongwe

Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiative (CDEDI) on Monday started holding vigils at the main entrance of Capital Hill in Lilongwe demanding the resignation of Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda for failing to recover K750 million meant for Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP).

According to CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, they want Attorney General to resign or provide a proof that government recovered full amount or part of the money.

“Our demand is simple and straight forward that Nyirenda who promised the nation that he will resign if he fails to recover the money should provide the evidence of recovery of the money or resign,” said Namiwa.

He said his group of less than 30 participants who participated will continue holding vigils until one of the two is done.

Participants displayed placards as capital hill officials including cabinet ministers were entering the gate for work.

Namiwa further urged participants to bring friends to join them from the next day to show that citizens are not happy with what happened on the procurement of AIP fertilizer.

One of the concerned citizens who participated in the vigils Wells Khama, said that they will use different strategies after holding the vigils for some days but did not disclose type of strategy they will use.

He said it’s high time government officials started walking the talk instead of promising what they cannot do.

“This government promises a lot to Malawians including 1 million jobs which they are failing to fulfill,” he added.

During the vigils, a certain group of people arrived to disrupt the vigils while in possession of objects but police detained them before taking to Lingadzi police for questioning.

Earlier in the day, Namiwa tipped the police that there some people who wanted to disturb the vigils.

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