DK snubs APM’s envoy Adventist leader pastor T.Y Nyirenda to convince him to drop out of DPP presidential race

Former Reserve Bank Governor who is also DPP presidential candidate Dr Dalitso Kabambe has told Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika’s envoy Adventist Pastor Tony Yolamu Nyirenda that he won’t drop his bid for the party’s president even if APM is standing because it is not a crime to compete with your former boss in a democratic society.

According to multiple sources close to both Nyirenda and Kabambe say, Mutharika has been told of Kabambe’s position on the matter and the case is settled that both they will meet at the convention.

Kabambe told Nyirenda that it is uncalled for to tell someone to drop out of the race after he has spent his or her resounding resources campaigning the whole country. Beyond that someone’s CV has been marred by “political persecutions” and to be told by someone to leave this stage sounds unethical and inconsiderate.

Both Nyirenda and Kabambe are senior members Seventh Day Adventist Church and congregate at the same church in Lilongwe.

On Friday, Dr Dalitso Kabambe through his personal assistant, Bennett Chinsinga obtained a court order stopping the party from firing his campaign managers in the north: Ackim Mwanza, Joyce Chikukula and Kelvin Chirambo.

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