Jhpiego renovates Antenatal Waiting Bay in Chikwawa

Johns Hopkins Programme for International Education in Gynaecology and Obstetrics (Jhpiego) has renovated Antenatal Waiting Bay at St Montfort Hospital in Chikwawa district.

The waiting bay is one of the infrastructures that were damaged by Tropical Cyclone Ana in 2022.

Speaking after the handing over ceremony on Thursday, the hospital’s Medical Officer-in-Charge Dr Olivier Mapan said since the time the structure got damaged, it was very difficult for the hospital to discharge its work due to shortage of space.

In his remarks, Jhpiego Programmes Director Vincent Idana emphasised that his organisation will continue to provide assistance.

Idana said the project which has cost K30 million has taken long to be completed due to delays in mobilising funds from well-wishers.

Director of Health and Social Services for Chikwawa, Dr Grace Momba, commended Jhpiego for the initiative, saying the work done will go a long way in improving health services in the district.

Momba appealed to the organization to continue rendering assistance to the hospital when need arises.

St Montfort Hospital serves a population of around 180,000 people.

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