Machinga North East Parliamentarian Kalitendere Hails Pacific Limited For Repairing 80 Broken Boreholes

In a bid to improve access to potable water, a charity organization, Pacific Limited has embarked on an exercise of repairing 80 broken boreholes in four traditional authorities in Machinga North East Constituency.

Pacific Limited Boreholes Rehabilitation project team leader, Abdul Majid Allie, says the project will use K25 million in the area, but has already reached to 70 constituencies where seven thousand broken boreholes have been revamped.

Member of Parliament for the area, Ajilu Kalitendere has commended the organization for the timely intervention.

“People of the Mozambique bordering area which consists of senior chief Nyambi, Chiwalo and Traditional Authorities Kapoloma and Chesale use water from swamps and rivers, posing a threat of waterborne diseases.”

Marita Anusa of Sauti village says she is forced to travel six kilometers to tap water from a nearby Well, as a borehole in the area brokedown three years ago.

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