Church concerned with rising divorce and suicide cases

Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Southern Malawi, Alinafe Kalemba has expressed concern over the increasing number of divorce and suicide cases in the country.

He was speaking on Sunday during a sermon at St. Michael’s Anglican Church in Chiradzulu, where he among others, offered the sacrament of confirmation to 13 boys and girls.DPP Lawmaker Sameer Suleman Urges President Chakwera to Lead by Example

Kalemba, who is also a marriage counsellor, said due to lack of communication, a lot of married people are committing suicide and marriages are breaking, leaving children without proper care, a situation he said negatively affects the church and the nation in the future.

He called on married couples to resist the temptations of rushing into divorce and encouraged them to resolve their differences amicably, acknowledging that squabbles are inevitable in relationships.ndani adanamiza Chakwera kuti ndege yomwe Idaphetsa A Chilima ndi ena 8 idafika ku Mzuzu?

“When children grow up in unstable families, it’s like planting a bomb that will explode in the future. But when couples stay together and prioritize their children’s well-being, it leads to a stronger church and a healthier nation,” Kalemba said.

The Bishop cautioned married couples and those preparing for marriage to make sure they are mentally mature, saying marriage is not without challenges.CCTV endorses CDEDI investigations into Chilima’s plane crash

“Every day, I meet families grappling with numerous issues due to the economic hardships we are facing as a country and I tell them that the key to a stable family is to communicate openly.

“Don’t bottle up problems, address them right away. Unresolved issues build up and become almost impossible to resolve,” Kalemba said, adding that it was also important for both couples in marriage to engage in economic generating activities to support their families.Former DPP SG Grezelder Jeffrey, Dr. Ntaba, others join ruling party

Quoting Mark 10: 10-11, Kalemba reminded the congregation that God disapproves of divorce and warned that remarrying after divorce was considered adultery.

In his sermon, Kalemba took time to advise those who received confirmation to stand up and start taking responsibilities that would help the life of the Church.

“Confirmation is a commissioning service where we receive those that have been with us from 12 years that they have come of age and can participate in the life of the Church,” he said.Hetherwick Ntaba Describes Joining MCP as a Homecoming

In his remarks, Chiradzulu Parish Priest, Rev. Harry Daniels thanked the Bishop for his visit and for confirming 13 young boys and girls into the Church.

He expressed disappointment that more children were not confirmed due to lack of commitment to attending confirmation classes.

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