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Comrade Jumbe To Be On Ballot Paper 2025

Comrade jumbe to join the Race for presidency of the Republic Come 2025 general elections;Why Am I Running for President: A Call for New Beginnings

When a house leaks, you do not wait for the rainy season to repair it.

Our country has been battered by the storms of corruption, mismanagement, and broken promises.

If we continue to do the same things with the same people, we will keep reaping the same bitter harvest.

It is time for new faces to rise and take the lead, for when the sun rises, even the darkest night has no choice but to end.

I seek to become the next president of Malawi because I believe our nation is ready for a new dawn—one built on integrity, service, and sustainable development.

An old African saying warns, “When the hyenas are left in charge of the goats, there will be no flock by morning.”

For too long, corruption has been allowed to thrive at the highest levels of leadership, draining our resources and destroying our hopes for progress.

It has crippled our schools, hospitals, and infrastructure, leaving our people stranded in poverty.

Leaders who promised change have only enriched themselves, while the nation withers.

My commitment is to uproot this culture of corruption by building strong institutions, not strong men.

Like a farmer pulling out weeds before planting a new crop, we must remove dishonesty from governance so that we can cultivate prosperity.

Accountability will no longer be optional—it will be the foundation of everything we do.

There is a proverb that says, “A tree that has stopped bearing fruit must be cut down to make room for one that will grow.”

It is time for fresh leadership to take the reins of this nation. The faces that have ruled us for decades are worn out by personal ambition and greed as such they are have now run out of ideas.

They have led us to the edge of the cliff, and only new minds with bold ideas can bring us back to safety.

I offer myself as a servant of the people because I believe our destiny is too great to be abandoned.

The journey we must undertake is not for the faint-hearted—it requires wisdom, strength, and the courage to chart a new course.

I am ready to lead, not for personal glory, but to build a future where every citizen feels valued and empowered.

They say, “If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together.”

Development is not just about quick fixes but about building a sustainable future that benefits everyone.

Our economy must rise on the foundation of fairness, opportunity, and innovation.

My vision is to see farmers thrive, industries grow, and technology empower our youth.

We will create jobs, support entrepreneurship, and invest in education to ensure that every young person is equipped to shape tomorrow.

No one will be left behind on this journey. The poor, the vulnerable, and the marginalized will be given a voice.

We will strengthen our health systems so that illness does not become a death sentence, and we will invest in public services so that every citizen feels the presence of government in their lives.

Just as a river gives life to the land it passes, so will my administration ensure that development reaches every corner of this nation.

A fractured nation cannot stand. “When the drumbeat changes, the dancers must adjust their steps.” It is time for us to set aside old divisions—tribal, political, and economic—and move forward as one people with a common destiny.

My leadership will focus on healing the wounds of the past and building bridges between communities.

When we stand united, no challenge is too great, and no enemy can defeat us.

As president, I will build an inclusive government where every voice matters. Decision-making will no longer be reserved for the privileged few but will involve all citizens.

Together, we will plant the seeds of a future that belongs to all of us—a future where no child is too poor to dream and no dream is too big to achieve.

“The wise do not wait for the fire to consume the entire forest before they start looking for water.” The time for change is now.

We cannot sit idly by while corruption and mismanagement rob us of our future.

I am running for president because I believe that together, we can build a nation that is not only proud of its past but confident in its future.

This is not just my journey; it is our journey. It is a call to every citizen who dares to believe that tomorrow can be better than today.

Let us rise as one, with the courage of a lion and the wisdom of the elders, and create the future our children deserve.

The choice is ours: to remain stuck in the mud or to lift our heads and walk boldly toward the sunrise.

The time has come. Let us together start the walk towards the better changed malawi which we all desires.

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