Radio Islam listeners extend charity to Salima District Hospital

By Burnett Munthali

A group of dedicated listeners of Radio Islam recently visited Salima District Hospital to donate various essential items to patients.

The initiative was led by the Radio Islam Listeners Association of Malawi, a group known for its charitable activities, especially during the holy month of Ramadan.

Speaking during the donation ceremony, the President of the association, Suleman Atupele Chitera, emphasized that their organization is deeply committed to acts of kindness, particularly during Ramadan.

He explained that Ramadan is not only a period of fasting but also a time to show compassion and support for those in need.

His sentiments were echoed by Marriam Yasin, the chairperson of the women’s wing of the association in Salima District.

She reaffirmed that every year, during the fasting season, their organization prioritizes charity work as part of their commitment to helping the less fortunate.

The donation, valued at K600,000, was confirmed by Abdul Aziz Issah, the spokesperson of the association in Salima.

Among the items donated were sugar, salt, and soap, among other necessities aimed at improving the well-being of the hospital’s patients.

This act of generosity was well received by hospital authorities, patients, and members of the community, who expressed deep gratitude for the support.

The donation serves as a reminder of the importance of solidarity, kindness, and giving, particularly during Ramadan, a season dedicated to self-reflection and charity.

Through such initiatives, the Radio Islam Listeners Association of Malawi continues to demonstrate the values of compassion and social responsibility within the Muslim community and beyond.

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