95 year-old man killed over land disputes in Chikwawa

Chikwawa Police Station has confirmed the death of a 95-year-old man who has been killed over land disputes in the district.

The deceased according to the station’s Public Relations Officer, Sergeant, Dickson Matemba has been identified as Batson Maduka from Kutama Village.

Matemba has also identified the suspects as Elija Maduka, 32, who is the deceased’s son, and Hassan Raphael, 29, both from Kudzanji Village in Traditional Authority Ngabu in Chikwawa District.

“It is reported that on November 8, 2022, Ngabu Police Post received information that the two organized themselves to attack the deceased who was working at his garden and the two indeed killed the man and burried him in a shallow grave in the same garden,” said Matemba

Postmortem conducted at Chipwaira Health Centre revealed that death was a result of severe head multiple wounds, secondary by assault.

The district’s police publicist said the two will appear before court soon to answer charges of murder.

Meanwhile, the station’s Officer In-charge, Francis Chisaka (Assistant Commissioner of Police) has urged all youths to avoid attacking the elderly people over issues of land disputes and whichcraft accusations further asking them to engage contact and dialogue when there are misunderstandings failing which laws will take their course.

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