Police in Mangochi District have arrested Lucia Saidi, 22, of Chilanga Village, Traditional Authority Makanjira in Mangochi who stole a one-month-old baby boy of her friend Laina Wisiki 34, after she pretended to babysit the little one.

Mangochi Police Spokesperson Sub-inspector Amina Tepani Daudi said the Incident occurred on May 9, 2022 at M’madi Village Traditional Authority Chimwala in Mangochi.

Daudi said: “It is reported that the two were once neighbours at Chimwala area until the suspect moved to Mangochi boma.

“On the stated date, the suspect visited the victim after she heard that her friend has a newly born baby.

“She found her friend occupied with house chores while carrying the baby at her back. Eventually, she asked to babysit the toddler.”

Daudi further said taking advantage of the situation, the suspect vanished with the baby. Efforts made by the mother along with community members to locate the suspect proved futile.

The incident was later reported at Chimwala Police Unit who initiated investigations. The suspect was arrested yesterday at her home village where she fled with the child.

According to police findings, the suspect who is a sex-worker has been trying to have her own kids to no avail hence resorting to steal one. She also lied to her relations in Makanjira that she adopted the baby after his mother passed on during delivery.

Meanwhile the baby has been positively identified by the parents and referred to Mangochi District Hospital for medical checkup.

Lucia has been charged with child stealing which contravenes section 167 of the Penal Code and will appear before court next week.

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