Zomba Church of Central African Presbytery ( CCAP) has today, 21 May launched CCAP prayer House at University of Malawi in Great Hall
Since the establishment of the University, CCAP students have been congregating at zomba CCAP which is a kilometer away from campus.
Speaking at the event, the moderator of zomba CCAP reverend Masambuka has said that the establishment of this prayer House aims at nurturing leaders and assisting needy students.
“Through this prayer House we want to equip students with moral and spiritual knowledge so that when they go out there they should make a difference in the discipline of good governance and the fight against corruption”, Masambuka has said
Masambuka has also added that zomba CCAP Church will put aside some funds with the aim of helping needy students that are certified members of CCAP.
The event has also demonstrated the unity of faith organisation at the campus as the Catholic choir ushered support during the launch
The event has been held under the theme of Rebuilding the broken walls, a fifth verse from the book of Nehemiah 2.