FDH Bank Launches Penny For Change To Support Cyclone Freddy Victims

FDH Bank CEO, William Mpinganjira And Anock Kapira Habitat Director

FDH Financial Holdings on Friday launched an initiative dubbed Penny for Change, aimed at raising funds from staff members for the construction of five climate-resilient houses for survivors of Cyclone Freddy.

Speaking during the launch in Blantyre, FDH Financial Holdings Chief Executive Officer William Mpinganjira said the initiative is a continuation of the support the bank has been providing to Cyclone Freddy survivors.

“As you are aware, we made an initial donation of just over K100 million when Cyclone Freddy [had] just hit and now we are continuing with that initiative by getting our staff involved.

“As part of this initiative, we are wearing the Flames jersey as a sponsor for the national team every Friday and we are calling it Flames Freddy. If we do put on our jerseys, there’s a voluntary minimum donation of K1000,” he said.

Mpinganjira said the bank has partnered with Habitat for Humanity to construct the houses.

Habitat for Humanity National Director Anock Kapira said the initiative is timely as a lot of people are still homeless due to the effects of Cyclone Freddy.

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