APM’s Speech at Katoto Freedom Park: A Call for Wisdom in 2025 Elections

By Burnett Munthali

In a fiery address at Katoto Freedom Park in Mzuzu on Saturday, 21 September 2024, former President Arthur Peter Mutharika (APM) stirred up a lively crowd, delivering a speech that has since set social media platforms buzzing. Known for his candid remarks, Mutharika didn’t hold back as he reflected on the current state of the nation and offered a strong message to Malawians ahead of the 2025 elections.

Mutharika’s statement, “Ine ndinanena kuti muzakhaula, koma simudandimvele mwaonatu tsopano nyekhwe, makhaulatu eti. Chaka cha mawa mudzavotere mwa nzeru kuti musakhaulenso” (“I warned you that you will suffer, but you didn’t listen to me, now you are feeling the pain, aren’t you? Next year, vote wisely so you don’t suffer again”), resonated with many in the audience.

This speech, delivered in Chichewa, highlighted APM’s belief that the hardships Malawians are currently experiencing could have been avoided had his warnings been heeded during the previous election cycles. His pointed remarks about the current administration’s handling of the economy and governance struck a chord with many who have felt the brunt of the rising inflation, unemployment, and general economic difficulties facing the nation.

Mutharika’s address served as both a reflection on his time in office and a critique of the current leadership. As the leader of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), APM was ousted from power in the 2020 elections after a court-ordered rerun. Since then, Mutharika has largely remained in the political background, but speeches like the one delivered at Katoto Freedom Park suggest he is gearing up for an active role in the 2025 elections, either as a candidate or as a kingmaker within the DPP.

During his tenure, Mutharika often presented himself as a stabilizing force in Malawian politics, particularly in comparison to the turbulent governance that followed. His speech in Mzuzu re-emphasized this, positioning the hardships Malawians face today as a direct consequence of the choice to move away from his leadership.

With the 2025 elections fast approaching, Mutharika’s speech could be seen as the beginning of his re-engagement with the political stage. His call for Malawians to vote wisely next year was both a critique of the current administration and a strategic reminder of his own governance. As Malawians continue to endure economic challenges, APM’s message may resonate with voters who feel disillusioned with the present situation.

While Mutharika has not yet confirmed whether he will run in 2025, his speeches and public appearances suggest that he and the DPP are ready to capitalize on any public dissatisfaction with the ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and its coalition partners. The 2025 elections are shaping up to be a critical moment in Malawi’s political history, with Mutharika and the DPP aiming to present themselves as the solution to the nation’s current challenges.

APM’s speech also contained a tone of caution. By saying, “mudzavotere mwa nzeru kuti musakhaulenso” (“vote wisely so you don’t suffer again”), he urged Malawians to carefully consider their choices in the upcoming elections. His message was clear: the next election is crucial in determining whether the country continues on its current path or takes a different direction, one that he believes will bring relief to the suffering population.

In conclusion, Arthur Peter Mutharika’s speech at Katoto Freedom Park reminded Malawians of the importance of making informed decisions in the 2025 elections. As political tensions rise and the nation grapples with economic hardship, his call to vote wisely echoes the sentiments of many who hope for a change in direction. Whether this speech signals a full return to frontline politics for APM remains to be seen, but it has certainly reignited the debate about the country’s future leadership.

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