James Kadyampakeni’s Insight into Dr. Chilima’s Plane Crash: A Pilot’s Perspective

By Burnett Munthali

James Kadyampakeni, a seasoned former pilot with over 10,000 hours of flying experience, recently took to Facebook to share his professional insights regarding the tragic plane crash that claimed the life of Dr. Chilima. In his detailed post, Kadyampakeni highlighted several troubling anomalies surrounding the crash, raising important questions that have yet to be answered.

Kadyampakeni first pointed out the silence from Lilongwe Air Traffic Control. Despite the absence of a flight recorder on the ill-fated plane, communication between the air controller and the aircraft should have been recorded on the ground. The fact that no official information about these conversations has been released is concerning. “The absence of any information about these conversations raises concerns unless there is an undisclosed reason for it,” Kadyampakeni noted.

As an experienced pilot, Kadyampakeni questioned the route taken by the plane and its behavior before the crash. He remarked that there were several anomalies that added to the mystery of the crash, such as the lack of clarity regarding who arrived at the scene first and how disturbing photos of the victims circulated so quickly. Additionally, reports that the victims’ cell phones were missing have only fueled public speculation.

From a technical standpoint, Kadyampakeni discussed the possibility that the plane was operating under a mix of Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). Given the flight’s route and pattern, it’s likely the pilot faced poor visibility and switched to VFR, relying on visual cues. However, the circumstances surrounding why the plane crashed remain unclear.

To address these critical issues, Kadyampakeni called for an independent commission of inquiry. He urged President Lazarus Chakwera to commission an official investigation to uncover what happened during the crash and why. Kadyampakeni also recommended requesting satellite imagery from countries with surveillance capabilities over the region at the time. “These steps are essential in shedding light on the tragedy and offering some closure to the victims’ families and the nation,” he concluded.

Kadyampakeni’s observations reflect the growing need for transparency and accountability in investigating the crash, a sentiment shared by many across the country. As the nation mourns the loss of Dr. Chilima, the demand for answers remains strong, and only a thorough investigation can ensure that this tragic event is understood fully.

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