By Vincent Gunde
Political activist Bon Kalindo, has expressed his grave fears over the eroding of democracy in Malawi leading to some members of a political party in government hacking, beating and undressing of women clad in opposition party attires.
Kalindo said democracy in MCP means killing one another, beating, intimidating and threatening one another saying it is no wonder that the MCP rejected democracy and multiparty politics in 1993 for Malawians to continue living in fear.
He said the incidences of hacking, beating and undressing women clad in opposition party attires is speaking for itself that the 16th September, 2025 General Elections will be bloody claiming that MCP will do all of what it can to make sure that violence be the older of the day for it to continue ruling the country.
Kalindo’s remarks is following the incidence which has happened at Mponela Trading Centre when DPP members were going to Kasese in the area of Traditional Authority Chakhaza for their rally, they were ambushed by people believed to be MCP members.
He said a number of DPP supporters were hacked by pangas, beaten up and women were undressed in their DPP attires saying some of the victims were taken to Mponela Rural Hospital where they are receiving treatment.
He said a similar DPP rally was taking place in Salima where it has also been learnt at the eleventh hour that the MCP has organized its rally close to where the DPP is holding its rally saying this is a worrisome to the country’s democracy.
MCP’s Publicity Secretary Dr. Jessie Kabwila has been quoted in the media as having received no report from Mponela incident urging the DPP to produce evidence to prove that MCP members were at it causing havoc in Mponela against DPP members.
“It is not good to fabricate stories without evidence, let the DPP bring forward evidence to implicate MCP supporters in the attack,” quoted Dr. Dr. Kabwila.
MCP supporters have been causing havoc against opposition members since the party was ushered into government in June, 2020 but at no time the party accepted guilty for its members linked in various hackings and beatings.
First, MCP members beat up UTM members in Blantyre, then they beat up and tore AFORD flags erected at Mzuzu Roundabout and continued their havoc to beat up DPP members at the Kamuzu Mausoleum-City Centre in Lilongwe.
On 24th February, 2024 MCP members carried in what was the greatest ambush at Mbowe Filling Station in Lilongwe when the DPP was set to start its Blue Convoy Parade in the City of Lilongwe, many DPP members were hacked by pangas and vehicle windows were smashed with property stolen.
As this was not enough, MCP members ambushed AFORD members at Mponela Trading Centre in Dowa district when they were making preparations for AFORD President Enock Kamzingeni Chihana who was set to address a rally at Mponela.
In all of these incidences, police have made no arrests, all the culprits are free and singing the popular song “Boma ndilomweli silikuchoka” with President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera condemning political violence without disciplining his party thugs.