ACB Substandard Report Cost Vice President Chilima’s Job


President Dr Lazarus Chakwera has told malawians that ACB Report is substandard, the report submitted to the president to feed malawians is unfinished,

President Chakwera contradicting himself .

Says Chizuma the ACB head gave him substandard work .

President Chakwera has fired Inspector General George Kainja, Suspend State house chief of staff Kapondagaga and crippled the Vice President office and suspend PPDA chairman based on an incomplete and substandard report.

I am ready to agree to disagree with some people on ACB Director professionalism or lack thereof as ACB Director. If the manner in which ACB Director has conducted herself on the Sattar Issue can serve as a reference point, the ACB Director is not fit for the job. She is discharging her duties unprofessionally.

Based on what the president reported, Chizuma qualifies to be in the league of the fired and not just the suspended. The president might have spared her today for some better reasons. There is enough proof that she has been leaking highly sensitive and classified information to the undeserved recipients. Worse still, she had the audacity to share the report with other authorities apart from the president way before the latter has acted on it. Such action amounts to sheer insubordination.

The most noble option for Martha Chizuma is to tender her resignation to the appointing authority lest she embarrasses herself even more.

The same news Dr Charles Dzamalala was suspended by Medical Council of Malawi for offering a substandard autopsy report.

Substandard report is a warrant for suspension and dismissal.

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