Cannabis Pharmaceutical Factory To Roll Out

co-founder for the company, Shoham Vigiser,

One of the companies venturing into cannabis farming and processing Malawi-Israel Gold, says it is in the process of establishing a pharmaceutical factory, to start producing medical drugs from the
legalized hemp in the country.

co-founder for the company, Shoham Vigiser, said to achieve this, they are partnering with a number of entities, both at the local and international level in the investment estimated at about 100 Million United States Dollars.

“We have been working hard on securing more international investors. Our clients are currently from Europe, Australia, and Israel. We believe that the market will expand”, said Vigiser.

Meanwhile, the company’s high level delegation is expected to be in the country soon, to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Kamuzu College of Medicine, on its plans.

Dr. Victor Mithi, who is President of the Society of Medical Doctors in Malawi, has since expressed hope that the project if fulfilled, shall assist ending challenges that are faced to import medical drugs.

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