Chakwera To Blow k1.4 Billion At UNGA

President Dr Lazarus Chakwera will attend the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, United States of America with more than 37 entourage and expected to blow k1.4 Billion

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs says President Chakwera leaves the country on Monday through the Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe at 3 pm.

According to a statement released by the ministry, while in the US, President Chakwera will address the UNGA on 22 September. Apart from addressing the UNGA, the Malawi leader will hold more than 40 other engagements over the 15 days, including high-level meetings with world leaders and heads of various international institutions.

Dr Chakwera will also hold various engagements to promote Malawi’s bilateral relations with the US government.

On his way to New York City, Dr Chakwera will stop over in Nairobi, Kenya where he will attend the inauguration ceremony of William Ruto, President-elect for Kenya on 13 September.

The Ministry says President Chakwera will return home on Sunday, 2 October at 3:30 pm.

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