Malawi Freedom Network
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Chizuma Fails To Arrest Muluzi

The ACB Director does it again witch hunting and failed to arrest former minister of land Atupele Muluzi at Anti Corruption Bureau office Mulanje House in Lilongwe capital city of Malawi

Muluzi was summoned by ACB to be interrogated by the Bureau officials in related to land issues, the Bureau wanted to quiz Muluzi how a plot was sold during his time he was minister of lands,

The clear report indicates that ACB is used by some politicians to destroy the images of politicians who are threat to the ruling party MCP,
Muluzi is only youthful politician with clean record in the country who is hope for Malawians as presidential candidate come 2025 general elections,

Thousands of his supporters from all walks filled city centre in Lilongwe capital of Malawi solidarity and blocked the entrance to ACB offices which is housed in Mulanje house to witness his arrest, There was tight security with heavy presence of MDF soldiers and police around the Mulanje building down town in Lilongwe,

On the same related issues ACB was captured and used by the British in corroborating with local media and social media influencers parading lies and cooked fake corruption scandal which affected Tonse Alliance administration and Implicated everybody starting from president, vice president, ministers, principal Secretaries, government officials, judges, lawyers, pastors, former police IG and police officials, former ACB Director, MDF General commander and officials with British funding there subject is to topple tonse alliance government,

With funding from the British some media houses, journalists and social media influencers are on payroll to fulfil the plot,
Political commentators and activists have criticised the ACB Director Martha Chizuma for selective justice and being used by the British to topple Tonse government and now is used by some politicians to destroy politicians who are threat to ruling party MCP, They are many cases on her desk happening just now with clear evidence but instead is used and witch hunt innocent politicians

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