Community Goes Out Confiscating Nets In Nsanje

The feared extinction of fish species around Elephant Marsh in Nsanje District could be averted as some individuals have resorted to start confiscating prohibited fishing materials like mosquito nets from fishermen there.

For instance, today communities working for the conservation of the wetland have confiscated mosquito nets at Bulawayo dock in the area of Senior Chief Mbenje in the district.

Chairperson for the grouping, Geoffrey Zimbota, says their intensive operation comes after observing rampant careless and dangerous use of mosquito nets in fishing.

Fisheries Assistant for South West of Elephant Marsh, Foster Kuloweka, says mosquito nets are non-selective since besides catching big fish, they also fish-out fish eggs and small fish; eventually leading to low fish catches.

“‘Mosquito nets also remove some water plants and marshes which are breeding grounds for fish hence leading to scarcity of some fish species,” explains Kuloweka.

Elephant Marsh was declared a wetland in 1971 and covers an area of 61,556 hectares in Shire Valley.

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