Court Adjourns Joshua Chisa Mbele’s Case

The Lilongwe Magistrate Court has adjourned the case of social media activist, Joshua Chisa Mbele, to Friday, June 17.

Chisa Mbele is on bail having been arrested in January for posting a fake document on Facebook, claiming it had a list of names of those connected to corruption

Prosecutors want the bail revoked saying Chisa Mbele is breaking bail conditions through continued posts on Facebook that can tarnish the image of people being mentioned.

Senior Magistrate Wanangwa Nyirenda has adjourned the case to allow the Malawi Police avail to the defence lawyers of the primary evidence used to extract the content presented in court to allow the defence to inspect the gadgets.

Last week, State prosecutors brought documents containing screenshots of Mbele’s posts which they say violate conditions of the bail that he was granted after being arrested earlier this year.

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