Economic Crisis Rocking This Country Is Possible To Fix-Mutharika Tells PAC

Former president Peter Mutharika, says it is possible for the country to come out from the worsening economic situation if government can come up with clear policies to deal with the situation.

Mutharika said he had an almost similar situation in 2014, saying that he found the economy in bad shape affected by cashgate and lost donor support; but he managed to bring back the economy to shape within six months.

He therefore, said that it is possible for the current government to get things back in order.

He said this during an interview with the media at his residence in Mangochi after meeting members of the quasi-religious grouping, Public Affairs Committee (PAC) who had an audience with him.

PAC Chairperson Monsignor Dr. Patrick Thawale reminded the former president of an important role his party (DPP) has to the country’s democracy.

The two parties also had a duscussion importance of dialogue when there are differences, both within political parties and during times of elections.

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