Mangochi Car Dealers Visit Msonkho House

Representatives of motor vehicle importers from Mangochi visited MRA Headquarters in Blantyre to seek clarity on issues relating to processes involved when importing motor vehicles.

In his welcoming remarks, Fredrick Mpeusa, Commissioner Customs & Excise commended the visitors for coming to seek first-hand information and encouraged them to work hand in hand with the Authority. He also urged them not to be hostile when dealing with MRA staff.

“We need to be working hand in hand with you in order to iron out all the concerns that you have towards us other than resorting to hostility. By being hostile you are creating an environment that makes it difficult for our staff to work and assist you accordingly,” Mpeusa said.

The grouping led by Jasten Mposa presented their concerns ranging from uneven valuation of old vehicles, duty-free week, processing of TIPs, unscrupulous behaviour of clearing agents and re-introduction VCW.

Responding to their queries, the Commissioner reminded the businessmen that it is not within MRA’s mandate to change processes and procedures required during clearing goods at the border including vehicles. He said MRA only implements what is stipulated in the laws that govern the administration of taxes in the country.

The Commissioner, however, assured the grouping that the Authority has taken into consideration their concerns and a team will visit Mangochi to ascertain the correctness of the values of the old motor vehicles and agree on proper valuation.

In response, the Chairperson of the grouping thanked the Authority for accepting their request to visit MRA and providing them with the much needed information.

“So far we are satisfied with the responses that we have gotten from the Commissioner and all that has transpired from the meeting. We will now be following the right procedures and report to relevant Authorities once we feel aggrieved when clearing our goods at the border,” Mposa said

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