Mussa John Parade Shifted To Sept 22

The highly publicized Free Mussa Parade, initially scheduled for 15th September, had been shifted to September 22 2022.

One of the organizers, Penjani Kalua popularly known as Fredokiss has confirmed this; attributing the change to consultations they have had with security agencies and Blantyre District Council.

He adds the parade starting point will this time be Kamuzu Upper Stadium and not Ndirande as earlier communicated.

“We have also reached an agreement with the District Commissioner for Blantyre that the letter should be delivered at his office and that he will represent President Lazarus Chakwera,” explains Kalua.

The grouping is pushing for the pardoning of 19-year-old boy, Mussa John after he was convicted of illegal possession of Indian hemp and is currently serving a 3-year jail term.

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