Needy Stella Maris Learner Appeals For Financial Support

A 14-year-old form one learner at Stella Maris Secondary School in Blantyre, Sarah Bakali, is appealing for help to continue with her studies after the school rejected her enrollment for the second term due to last term’s fees balance.

One of the MBC reporters spotted Bakali on Tuesday morning in tears moving along the Zingwangwa Kudya Road, before she narrated her story to the reporter.

Last term, Sarah only paid K9,000 out of the K216,500, leaving a balance of K207,500.

She said she has no father and none of her relations in Phalombe is capable to square her outstanding school fees.

Sarah has left Blantyre in the company of her brother, Chifundo and the two were footing to Limbe, till a good samaritan (minibus driver) stopped to pick up the crying girl-child.

Bakali said those willing to help her, can contact the school or MBC for direction.

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